The faith and mission statement of our organization is expressed in the Apostle’s Creed. Specifically, we believe that it is not God’s will that any should perish and that all should be brought to repentance and the saving faith in Jesus Christ. This forms the foundation for SOS Recovery Ministry Center which provides food, shelter, clothing and most importantly Bible teaching that transforms lives and equips individuals to practically apply the Word of God in daily living. We are a faith based, Christ centered ministry offering hope and healing to anyone seriously interested in a life change. We support all residents and recovery participants with structure and training that ensures freedom from abusive lifestyles. We do not receive any government funding but rely on the provision of graduates, individuals, local churches and communities for support. The primary goal of SOS Recovery Management Center is to produce followers of Jesus Christ eliminating addictions and removing bondages that have caused unnecessary shame and guilt. The successful results hoped for and worked toward are for individuals to experience the transformation that comes from a total surrender to Christ producing good citizens of this present world and eternal life with God. We do not perform or recognize same sex marriages. We believe that marriage is a holy institution created and originally initiated by God. It is a union of one man to one woman. We do not believe that homosexual union is ordained or recognized by God. Our teaching on marriage and sexuality is firmly grounded in Holy scripture. Two thousand years of church tradition and Cannon law holds that marriage consists in the conjugal union of a man and a woman. It adds that marriage is necessarily monogamous and heterosexual. We believe according to Genesis 1: 27, that God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them…male and female He created them and to deny your created gender is to deny God’s design and plan for your life.