SOS Transitional and Sober Living for Men
SOS Transitional House offers a nine to twenty-four month program. The Transitional House can best be described as a house providing shelter and services primarily designed to serve men who are transitioning from prison and/or addiction. Addressing the risk factors for recidivism and relapse is a cornerstone of the SOS Transitional Housing Program. The program focus will be to equip and empower for successful living through offering the “The Three E’s.”
1.) Employment(work training, job search, and job placement)
2.) Education(including Biblical foundations, life skills, GED, college)
3.) Exhortation(Twelve Steps, Drug and Mental Health counseling)
Criterion Acceptance:
Individuals are required to be employed or employable within 60 day of entering the program.
$150 non refundable deposit
$100 weekly service fees due at time of acceptance.
Individuals must be willing to cooperate with a high level of accountability.
Individuals must be willing to invest in their futures through employment, education, community volunteer work, recovery groups or treatment as needed.
Individuals must be willing to agree to a background check prior to program entrance and agree to all of the requirements of the attached program.
While the SOS Transitional House is designed to provide structure, it will also strive to model self-governed and independent living, providing participants/members the opportunity to accept responsibility for their choices while living in a safe, secure and supportive environment.
Should you have any questions or additional interest, please feel free to contact us.
Dr. Regina Villela
SOS Recovery Ministries
Office/Fax: 574 522 5511
Email: [email protected]
1.) Employment(work training, job search, and job placement)
2.) Education(including Biblical foundations, life skills, GED, college)
3.) Exhortation(Twelve Steps, Drug and Mental Health counseling)
Criterion Acceptance:
Individuals are required to be employed or employable within 60 day of entering the program.
$150 non refundable deposit
$100 weekly service fees due at time of acceptance.
Individuals must be willing to cooperate with a high level of accountability.
Individuals must be willing to invest in their futures through employment, education, community volunteer work, recovery groups or treatment as needed.
Individuals must be willing to agree to a background check prior to program entrance and agree to all of the requirements of the attached program.
While the SOS Transitional House is designed to provide structure, it will also strive to model self-governed and independent living, providing participants/members the opportunity to accept responsibility for their choices while living in a safe, secure and supportive environment.
Should you have any questions or additional interest, please feel free to contact us.
Dr. Regina Villela
SOS Recovery Ministries
Office/Fax: 574 522 5511
Email: [email protected]
Servants of the Streets Transitional Housing Agreement
It is our sincere desire to provide you with a comfortable, clean, and safe living environment. SOS provides members dorms/rooms based upon acceptance to the program. While dorm sizes and availability is modest, SOS offers this living accommodation as a benefit to assist our residents. SOS expects all members to treat each other and the physical property itself respectfully. As a participant, you have responsibilities to the ministry, its property, facilities, participants, and neighbors. Please review this Transitional Housing Agreement. It is important that you become familiar with your Transistional Housing obligations. Violation and/or abuse may result in termination of this dorm agreement. For your comfort and safety of all participants, the following are some of your responsibilities:
Rules and Regulations
Admission Criteria:
This policy is for the support of the participants recovery as well as to ensure the integrity of SOS and most importantly for the safety and well-being of each participant and house staff/volunteers –It is easier and cheaper to stay clean and sober then to start over!
Permission to leave the facility overnight must be on a written pass 48 hours in advance. Members that have paid their upcoming service fees, completed their chores and weekly meetings, and are in good standing (no demerits / infractions /restrictions) will be eligible to apply for a pass. 36 Hour weekend passes start at 6pm on Friday evening after dinner. You must return by 9:30am on Sunday morning without exceptions. There are no overnight passes during your probationary period.
*a $5.00 fee for late service fee payments*
Policies and Procedures:
If you are interested in transitional housing or know someone who is, feel free to review all this information then click on the link below to download an application. You can mail your application to us at 803 West Wolf Avenue Elkhart, IN 46516- or email to [email protected] We look forward to working with you or your loved one during this very important transition in life.
It is our sincere desire to provide you with a comfortable, clean, and safe living environment. SOS provides members dorms/rooms based upon acceptance to the program. While dorm sizes and availability is modest, SOS offers this living accommodation as a benefit to assist our residents. SOS expects all members to treat each other and the physical property itself respectfully. As a participant, you have responsibilities to the ministry, its property, facilities, participants, and neighbors. Please review this Transitional Housing Agreement. It is important that you become familiar with your Transistional Housing obligations. Violation and/or abuse may result in termination of this dorm agreement. For your comfort and safety of all participants, the following are some of your responsibilities:
- Employment: SOS community service work, employment, side jobs, and/or active employment are required of all members that are physically and mentally capable. Certain types of employment are not permitted i.e., bars, liquor stores, 2nd or 3rd shift etc. Participants must return to SOS within 60 minutes of their punch out time. Employment status will be reviewed regularly by the house staff. Job search sheets must be filled out and turned in to the house staff. PARTICIPANTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN EMPLOYMENT.
- Transportation: Automobiles. Each participant who owns a vehicle must provide a copy of a valid driver’s license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. (see house staff for designated parking areas) Permission to park vehicles on property must be approved through the office staff only (House Director, Office Manager ). No storage or major engine repairs on vehicles is permitted on the premises. All other modes of transportation and bicycles must be stored in their designated areas.
- Medication: All prescription, non-prescription, vitamin supplements, powder drinks, herbal supplements and any other health products as well as personal hygiene products will be reviewed and inspected and documented during the intake. Any new medication, prescription or non-prescription must be recorded and inspected by house staff. All controlled substances (narcotics) are prohibited except in emergency situations. Products containing alcohol (mouthwash, etc.) will not be permitted. Any medication or containers with unreadable or improper labeling will not be permitted and disposed of. Failure to submit and document any and all prescribed and or over the counter medications/supplements to house staff could be grounds for immediate disciplinary actions and or discharge. SOS is not responsible for any personal possessions including medication.
- Laundry: House laundry and linen (bedding) are to be done weekly. Personal laundry is to be removed from appliances and completed by curfew. Participants are encouraged to share wash loads to decrease cost. Washers and dryers need to be operated at the full load capacity. Participants supply their own laundry soap and laundry basket. Watch your water usage.
- Mail: Private PO Boxes are allowed. All incoming mail that comes to the transitional house at 803 W. Wolf Avenue, Elkhart, Indiana 46516 must be forwarded to new address when your commitment or termination of contract has ended.
- Meals: Residents are responsible for their own meals. No food is to be eaten or stored outside of cafeteria unless permitted by house Staff. Thursdays are designated community meal day. Dinner is prepared and served by the assigned resident; each resident will have an assigned community meal date. Participants have a full access of kitchen for any cooking & food preparations. After a house staff inspection, participants are permitted to bring and store their own food items. Each food item is to be clearly marked with participant's name. (See house staff for designated food storage areas) Any old, left out, stale or spoiled food will be disposed of immediately by house staff.
- Curfew: Each participant must be signed in/out and verified by house staff. A call is required prior to any tardiness or changes. Failure to comply will result with disciplinary action. 9:30pm Monday to Thursday. (Lights out/T.V. off 10pm), 10pm Friday & Saturday- (Lights out/T.V. off 12am) 6pm Sunday- (Lights out/T.V. off 10pm)
- Phone Calls: Personal phone calls have contributed too many relapses-Be Aware!!! No phone calls are allowed during meetings, classes & meal hour. Interference with house business or abuse of the SOS resident line and/or personal cell phones will be grounds for cell phone & landline restrictions.
- SOS Community Service: The SOS transitional program is completely “self-supporting”. Paid service fees are how we keep our doors open. Participants who are working full time are required to contribute up to 5 hours of work to the ministry per week. Participants who are not working are required to contribute up to 20 hours of work to the ministry per week.
- Chore & Job Duties: House staff will assign daily, weekly, monthly, seasonal, maintenance and job duties to each member. Each member is to complete their posted daily chores by the specified time. One 1 hour naps are allowed weekdays with staff permission only. The dorm area is closed from 9:45am to 4pm weekdays (unless given permission from Staff). Evening chores are to be completed by 6:30pm (including kitchen cleanup). Assigned weekly, monthly, seasonal/other chores are to be completed by no later than Saturday noon. All members are to keep all areas of house, outside grounds, and garbage clean. This includes garbage, counter & table tops, basins, showers, toilets, and floors. All rooms are subject to inspection by house staff at any time.
Rules and Regulations
Admission Criteria:
- Sincere motivation to participate in a meaningful recovery.
- Minimum of 18 years of age
- Employed or employment ready
- Picture ID & Social Security Card
- No outstanding warrants, violent criminal felons, or convicted sex offenders
- Must have $150 non refundable deposit
- House Staff: House Staff will monitor members capability, performance, participation, and attitude to determine continued residency.
- Twin Fitted Sheet, Blanket/Comforter, Pillow and Towel
- Winter Coat/Jacket, Bath Shoes/Slippers & Sleep wear
- Slacks, Jeans, or Shorts combined
- Long/Short sleeve & T-shirts combined
- Socks, Underwear, and Under T-shirts
- Laundry soap, Laundry Basket, and Personal Toiletries
- Optional: Bicycle (if not driving), Alarm Clock/Personal Radio with headphones, Personal snacks and Special food items
- Visitation: Intoxicated visitors, illicit drugs and/or alcohol will not be allowed on premises. Tuesdays permit guest for recovery 7pm to 9pm.
- Personal Property and Dress Code: SOS Recovery is not responsible for any damage or theft to participants personal property. Any and all security measures are each participants responsibility and at their own discretion and cost. No hoodies are to be worn on/over your head in the SOS or at outside meetings. Also, pants are to always be worn at waist height. No facial piercings – only stud earrings are allowed. No new tattoos or piercings are allowed without written approval from the SOS staff.
- Random Alcohol & Drug Testing: Each participant may be required to submit to a Breathalyzer and/or U/A test at any time, with or without cause. Members refusal or failing of a test will result in an immediate discharge. Responsibility of any and all cost related to a failed U/A test are at the participant's expense. $ 25.00 a test and $105.00 for any synthetic items: Spice, K2, Bath Salt, over the counter, etc. Any testing charges are to be paid at the time of discharge. (Testing charges are subject to change)
- Discharge Policy: Any offense: 1 to 30 days. Re-admission requires members to:
- Pay any outstanding past bills
- Be able to pass a Breathalyzer & U/A Test
- Pay $50.00 reapplication fee
This policy is for the support of the participants recovery as well as to ensure the integrity of SOS and most importantly for the safety and well-being of each participant and house staff/volunteers –It is easier and cheaper to stay clean and sober then to start over!
Permission to leave the facility overnight must be on a written pass 48 hours in advance. Members that have paid their upcoming service fees, completed their chores and weekly meetings, and are in good standing (no demerits / infractions /restrictions) will be eligible to apply for a pass. 36 Hour weekend passes start at 6pm on Friday evening after dinner. You must return by 9:30am on Sunday morning without exceptions. There are no overnight passes during your probationary period.
- Regulations: House staff will not take the role of cop, lawyer or investigator. This means termination of membership and discharge can occur with or without investigation of “who did what, what was said and who is or who is not at fault”.
- Personal Belongings: Your personal belongings will be removed from the premises 10 days from date of discharge. Discharged participant must set up appointment with house staff during business hours of 9am to 4pm to collect personal belongings. Discharged members that are unable to collect their belongings in person must provide SOS house staff with a signed and dated written request in order for items to be released to their named authorized person.
- 1st demerit: 24-72 hours restriction (confiscation of cell phone & restricted landline usage)
- 2nd demerit: One week restriction (confiscation of cell phone and restricted landline usage)
- 3rd demerit: Two weeks restriction (confiscation of cell phone and restricted landline usage)
- 4th demerit: Immediate discharge with any legal authorities being notified.
- No participant's visitor on SOS premises under the influence including family members or their significant other.
- Verbal or physical threats, acts of violence, and/or fighting.
- Failure to comply with House Curriculum
- Removal of property or its destruction or any altering of the house interior including walls.
- Discrepancies or unaccountability with time and/or place while off the SOS premises.
- Failure to comply with responsibilities and/or staff direction
- Four demerits within 30 days
- Smoking
- Drinking Alcohol
- Stealing or borrowing anything without permission
- Falsification or misrepresentation of any intake, verification slips, sign in/outs, SOS service vouchers, or community service.
- Abuse of computer, tablet, phone or internet services (no pornography)- activity monitored at the discretion of house staff
- Abuse of SOS vehicles
- Insubordination/disrespect toward house staff
- Any form of harassment including sexual
- Facial piercings except stud earrings
- Alcohol/drug logo on any clothing or personal items
- Fraternizing (inappropriately) with anyone (including spouses or fellowship members) on SOS premises.
- Illegal Activities
- Skipping or missing required classes/meetings
- Illegal gambling
- Leaving lights & TV on after use
- Leaving dishes, personal items or garbage in sink, counter tops, basement or in any common areas.
- Not signing in/out
- Pornography of any type
- Violation of curfew and/or lights out/T.V. off
- Failure/Tardy to return from personal pass
- New intimate relationships between participants and non-participants from date of intake until date of discharge.
- Delinquent Service fees
*a $5.00 fee for late service fee payments*
Policies and Procedures:
- This is a 9 month to 2 year transitional housing program (at the discretion of SOS staff).
- There will be an application process for every potential participant in this program.
- There will be a complete evaluation done before acceptance. You must approve full release of personal information before acceptance.
- The first 30 days for our participants will be a probationary period. No overnight passes during this period.
- Upon the acceptance to the recovery center, all participants unable to receive outside sponsorship for their recovery fees are put in arrears until successful employment is secured. At that time, participants will begin to pay fees and payments on arrears of 80% of net income will be applied until arrears are paid in full. There is also a $150 non- refundable deposit due before becoming a member of transitional housing.
- No swearing, cursing, abusive or obscene language or behavior is allowed. This includes off-color jokes.
- If you have a cell phone, members are not to share their cell phones with other members/guests who do not have cell phone privileges. If caught, this will cost you your privileges. All cell phones must be approved with a verification sheet through the day-time director.
- Participants are expected to conduct themselves as viable law-abiding citizens at all times.
- Participants must be up awake at 7am unless it is their day off from work. 9am for their days off. must be awake at 7am unless it is their day off from work. 9 am for their days off.
- There will be a weekly house meeting. In this meeting, staff and participants air their concerns, go over the house activity, etc. We will have reports from the directors of the home. We need to have participants of the transitional home function as a team to keep the house and property looking excellent for the others to see a successful operation. This will help participants develop in communication, confrontation, assertiveness and responsibility for their lives and learn how to live in the community.
- Participants are required to do a daily devotional, attend recovery meetings and church services, take notes in classes and be alert.
If you are interested in transitional housing or know someone who is, feel free to review all this information then click on the link below to download an application. You can mail your application to us at 803 West Wolf Avenue Elkhart, IN 46516- or email to [email protected] We look forward to working with you or your loved one during this very important transition in life.
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